ICal integration: your reservations on your personal calendar
shkurt 2014

Thanks to the iCalendar standard also known asiCal, we offer you toadd your reservations in your personal calendar with a simple click!

iCalendar is supported by a large number of software, such as: Apple iCal (Mac, iPhone, iPad), Google Calendar, Chandler, Lotus Notes, Zimbra, KOrganizer, Mozilla Lightning/Sunbird, Windows Calendar and, via an extension, Microsoft Outlook.

How does it work?

Go to My account > My reservations, you will find a button"Add to my calendar", click on it to download your iCal file (.ics).

Then open this file by double-clicking it, your default calendar software should open. If not, you will have to import the file directly into your calendar via its import function.

An iCal file (.ics) is in fact a simple text file, you can open it with Notepad to see what it contains: your upcoming reservations in "iCalendar" format, ready to be imported into your favorite calendar application.

The little + on iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad)

The iCalendar format is fully integrated on Apple's iOS and this allows us to offer you an improved experience, which is why we have chosen to push the integration even further for your iPhone, iPod or iPad.

Once your reservation has been added, BalleJaune will automatically offer to add the reservation to your personal calendar. You can decline by tapping "Cancel", or click "OK" to go further. Take a look at the animation below.

Note for administrators: this feature is only available for reservations made by members.

Feel free to send us your feedback on this update, either by e-mail or in comments to this article.

The BalleJaune team