Online Enrollment - Managing Enrollment Requests (3/3)
mars 2016

Go to the menuAdministration > Users > Online Enrollments to view the history of enrollment requests and to validate / cancel requests on a case-by-case basis (in the case of manual validation).

Tabs at the top of the page allow you to easily find registrations by status: pending, validated, cancelled. You can also filter by period (e.g. last month) or by subscription (e.g. to display only the registrations related to the "Padel" activity).

Validate (or cancel) a registration request

If you have chosen the manual validation process, it means that an action is required from you to validate or cancel each registration request.

By submitting a registration, an account will be created in your database and login details will be generated and emailed to the user.

In case the player is already registered

We have integrated an "anti-duplication" system to prevent the same player from creating multiple accounts illegitimately.

If a player registers with an email address that is already in your database, this may mean that he/she is already registered and that a new registration is not necessary. Therefore, before confirming their registration request, we offer them a button to obtain their login credentials: the registration is then abandoned in favor of the already existing account.

However, the player can decide to continue the registration, as this request can be legitimate, for example in the case of a family where the e-mail address is identical for the parents and the children. In this case you will have to validate the registration manually even if you have opted for automatic validation.

A common example is the following: Mr. DUPONT is registered in your club but does not know his login information, in fact, he does not even know that an account in his name is already created for him on BalleJaune. His reflex is then to click on the button "Create my account" and not on "Forgot your password?

The BalleJaune / OpenResa team is listening to you! Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any question!