Multiple reservation quotas with several criteria (land, days of the week, time slots)
shkurt 2015

At the request of many clubs, you can now set up multiple reservation quotas on a subscription! Each quota is then accompanied by several criteria :

  • by schedule (court #1, court #2, ...),
  • by day of the week (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun),
  • by time slot (from 8:30am to 1:30pm).

For example, you can now configure the following examples:

  • a quota for the indoor courts and another quota for the outdoor courts,
  • a quota for the morning slots and another quota for the afternoon slots,
  • a quota for the week and another quota for the weekends,
  • a quota for the tennis courts and another quota for the squash/badminton courts.

To configure the "detailed" quotas, go to Administration > Users > Subscriptions, then click on the"Reservation quota" section:

Select the " Use a detailed quota (advanced configuration)", you will then be able to add several different quotas:

Configuration examples

There are dozens of possibilities, it's up to you to adapt the configuration to suit your needs!

Example 1the member can book up to2 morning slotsand onlyone afternoon/evening slot.

Configuration of the subscription :

Result :

Example 2indoor courts: the member can reserve up to 3 slots on the outdoor courts and only one slot on the indoor court.

Configuration of the subscription :


Example 3weekday (Mon-Fri): the member can reserve up to 4 slots on weekdays (Mon-Fri) and only 1 slot on weekends (Sat-Sun).

Configuration of the subscription :


Example 4tennis courts : the member can reserve up to 2 slots on the tennis courts and only 1 slot on the squash court.

Configuration of the subscription :


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