Reservation statistics: new interface + filters + data export to Excel
Esusow Aketseaba-Kɔtɔnimba 2017
The "Reservation Statistics" module has been updated with the new "sidebar" interface. It is now easier to select a pre-defined or personalized period from date to date. Filters have also been integrated to allow you to fine-tune your statistics by reservation type, by schedule, by user or by subscription.
Go to BalleJaune in the menu Administration > Lists & statistics > Reservation statistics:
evolution by day / week / month + zoom function
The reservation evolution graph has been simplified and it is now possible to zoom in the graph by selecting a zoom, ideal for the "per day" and "per week" views.
View and export numbers (Excel / CSV)
It was already possible to export the graphs as an image or PDF file, now you can view and export the raw graph data in Excel or CSV format!